Useful links of partners, information, and just stuff we think is cool. This page will always be changing so be sure to check back often!
Leather Thickness Chart A useful and informative chart explaining leather thickness.
Leather Info Wikipedia page that covers types of leathers, tanning, production and more.
Austin Texas The Live Music Capital of the World. This town just plain ROCKS!
Heavy Leather NYC Totally awesome, custom made guitar straps by one cool chick.
Rustic Leather fb Our ultra-cool facebook page for updates, comments, chat, & most importantly SPECIALS & DISCOUNTS!
Rustic Leather Store Our little shop on the big world wide web. Come visit us.
Ace Pepper Custom Guitar Amps Great guy individually hand making great sounding (and looking) guitar amplifiers.
Bob Minner GREAT guitarist who happens to be Tim McGraw's picker & a Rustic Leather fan.
Ray Wylie Hubbard has got to be one of the best songwriters I have ever heard plus he's a hell of a nice guy & RL Guitar Case owner.
Bad & G Customs Beautifully hand crafted motorcycle seats & saddlebags.
Palazzo Reale Local store for awesome home furnishings & they carry our Rusic Leather stuff!
Mini Satchel
Indiana Satchel
Shoulder Pouch
Duffel Bag
Guitar Case
iPad Case
Leather Care
US Mail Bag
© 2009-2018 Rustic Leather, LLC